An aging man called the Social Security office to inquire about his wife’s benefits after retirement.
“She has worked all her life to make me happy,” explained the man.
“That’s nice,” said the government worker, “but has she ever worked under the Social Security system?”
“No,” said the elderly gentleman. “We made an agreement when we got married. I would make the living and she would make the living worthwhile.”
Genesis 2:18 (NIV) “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’”
While living, remember to celebrate those who help you live.
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The devotional above was taken from “52 Days of Praise” by Sonny Childs. Within this book, you will find 52 inspirational thoughts designed to prompt praise. If ever there was a time that a culture needed to look to the heavens and acknowledge the Source of all good gifts, we are that culture!
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