Tag Archives: God

If Chickens Could Talk

It was a beautiful spring day! The front door was left open to enjoy the breeze. I was in my office at one end of the house while Gabriel and his grandmother were mixing up homemade bread in the kitchen at the other end. The sun was shining brightly, the enticing aroma wafted on the breeze, and all things seemed right with the world.

Then it happened!

All of a sudden, the distant squawking of a panicked chicken grew rapidly in volume until, in just a matter of seconds, it seemed like I Continue reading If Chickens Could Talk

Window Watching 2

I stood before my window. The early spring sunrise was blindingly bright.

I listened to the sounds of the morning. Only two were prominent, the whir of the freezer motor behind me and the constant rhythm of the living room clock.

I considered the human experience and I thought about the impact we have had on God’s serene creation. From the constant noise of Continue reading Window Watching 2