Be Careful Who You Follow

I traveled home one foggy night,
My heart was tense and filled with fright.
I could not see far up the street,
And feared what accident I’d meet.

Ahead I saw a car’s tail light,
And chose to follow it that night.
I stayed as close as I could dare,
The stress was more than I could bear.

I gripped the wheel and strained my eyes.
Would something take me by surprise?
The scenes of dread flashed through my mind.
Would mangled cars be what I’d find?

Then suddenly my heart did drop!
The lights ahead came to a stop.
Alarmed, I jumped out of the car,
And rushed ahead, my mouth ajar!

“Why did you stop?!” I asked in fear.
“Is someone dead or injured here?”
The man looked back with puzzled face,
“Why no! I’m home. This is my place.”

I’d followed him into his drive,
With little thought where we’d arrive.
I’d focused on his path so long,
I’d lost my own and journeyed wrong.

With blushing face, I drove away.
I’d learned a lesson on that day.
Be careful who you follow home,
Your story could become a poem.


John 12:25-26 (NKJV)
“He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.”

Although some might call it tunnel vision, one of the most common traits of great leaders is intense focus. From this passage we can draw three principles that lead to that quality of leadership.

1. The competition must not become a distraction – “He who loves his life will lose it.” In this context, Jesus is the goal and “this world” is the competition.

2. The goal must be emphasized, repeated, and emphasized again. Count the number of times the words “Me,” “I,” or “My” are used in this passage.

3. A leader’s focus must always possess a validating end game – “him my Father will honor.”

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